Playing with your hair and staring off at some unknown object. Real fuckin' original. Real fuckin' "edgy". You look either high or autistic. Is that what you're going for?
I feel like I could scrape her eyeliner off with a butter knife and spread it easily on some whole grain toast.
Her bra is showing. B-O-R-I-N-G! Flashing a little ta-ta action is very unoriginal and screams "I have no other redeeming qualities other than my snatch!" Besides that, you have no boobies!
And the "Drink Me" necklace. Are you 14? Did you buy that at Claire's during the height of popularity of Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland?" Irregardless, I would not drink you. I imagine any fluid that would come out of you would be salty and thick and tangy with infection.
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