The picture that inspired this blog. It is so awful. It is the epitome of douchery. Gosh, where to even begin? How about the whole "I'm so deep in thought I can't look at the camera" poses? The guy on the far right is standing with his back to the camera, as if to say, "My feelings are so deep right now that I am unaware of any photographer. Just...let me be alone with these thoughts." Either that, or "Hey, I smell pizza. Where's it coming from?" The guy in the middle has a look on his face that suggests he knows how douchey this picture is going to be. Shame on him for allowing such douchery. And last but not least, lead singer Johnny stares at his shoes and leans ever so emo-ishly on the railing. Perhaps he's thinking of some really awesome lyrics. Or maybe he's just trying to stretch a little bit. It gets uncomfortable in those tight jeans and tight leather jackets.
the guy in the back looks to me like he's being like a bratty little kid and thinking that this is so douchy and he doesn't want anything to do with it but was told he would get a pony ride unless he went alone with it